Pino Daniele Basta Na Jurnata E Sole Testo

**Pino Pino Basta Na Jurnata E Testo**

Pino Pino Basta Na Jurnata E Testo is a famous song by the Italian singer Pino Daniele. The song was released in 1991 and became a hit, reaching the top of the Italian music charts. The song is a protest song against the social and political situation in Italy at the time. Daniele sings about the poverty and unemployment that was affecting many people in the country and the lack of opportunities for young people.

Meaning of the Song

The title of the song, “Pino Pino Basta Na Jurnata E Testo,” translates to “Enough, Pino, Enough With the Day and the Text.” The song is a criticism of the Italian government and its policies, which Daniele felt were not doing enough to help the people of the country. He sings about the need for change and for people to stand up and fight for their rights.

Musical Style

The song is a mix of traditional Italian folk music and modern rock music. Daniele’s vocals are passionate and powerful, and the music is upbeat and energetic. The song is a favorite at concerts and sporting events and is often used as a protest song.

Impact of the Song

The song had a significant impact on the Italian music scene. It helped to raise awareness of the social and political issues that were affecting the country and inspired other artists to speak out against the government. The song also helped to popularize traditional Italian folk music and helped to bridge the gap between traditional and modern music.

Problems and Solutions

One of the problems that Daniele highlights in the song is the lack of opportunities for young people. He sings about how young people are struggling to find jobs and are being forced to leave the country in search of work. A possible solution to this problem is to invest in education and training for young people so that they have the skills and knowledge they need to find jobs. Another problem that Daniele highlights is the poverty that is affecting many people in Italy. He sings about how people are struggling to make ends meet and are being forced to live in poverty. A possible solution to this problem is to increase the minimum wage and to provide more affordable housing for people in need.


Here are some examples of how the song “Pino Pino Basta Na Jurnata E Testo” has been used:

• The song was used as the theme song for the 1991 Italian film “Mediterraneo.” • The song was used as a protest song during the 2011 Italian protests. • The song was used as the theme song for the 2012 documentary “Italy: A Journey Through Time.” • The song was used as a protest song during the 2015 Italian protests.

Expert Opinions

“Pino Pino Basta Na Jurnata E Testo” is a powerful song that speaks to the heart of the Italian people. The song is a protest against the social and political situation in Italy and a call for change. The song is a reminder that we must never give up hope and that we must continue to fight for a better future.” – Italian music critic


Pino Pino Basta Na Jurnata E Testo is a powerful and moving song that speaks to the human condition. The song is a protest against injustice and a call for change. The song is a reminder that we must never give up hope and that we must continue to fight for a better future.

Pino Daniele Basta Na Jurnata E Sole Testo

Inno contro l’ingiustizia sociale.

  • Protesta sociale e politica.

Appello al cambiamento.

Protesta sociale e politica.

Protesta Sociale E Politica., IT Testo

Pino Daniele Basta Na Jurnata E Sole Testo è una canzone di protesta sociale e politica. Pino Daniele denuncia le condizioni di povertà e disoccupazione che affliggono il popolo italiano, e critica il governo per le sue politiche inefficaci. La canzone è un appello al cambiamento, un invito a lottare per una società più giusta e solidale.

Daniele canta: “Basta! Basta! Basta con ‘o sistema ca nun funziona! Basta! Basta! Basta cu ‘a camorra ca ammazza ‘e guagliune!” (“Basta! Basta! Basta con il sistema che non funziona! Basta! Basta! Basta con la camorra che uccide i ragazzi!”). Con queste parole, Daniele si scaglia contro il sistema politico ed economico che sta affossando l’Italia, e contro la criminalità organizzata che sta distruggendo il tessuto sociale del Paese.

Daniele canta anche: “Voglio ‘na jurnata ‘e sole, voglio ‘na vita migliore, voglio ‘na speranza pe ‘o futuro!” (“Voglio una giornata di sole, voglio una vita migliore, voglio una speranza per il futuro!”). Con queste parole, Daniele esprime il desiderio di un futuro migliore per l’Italia, un futuro in cui ci sia lavoro, giustizia e benessere per tutti.

Pino Daniele Basta Na Jurnata E Sole Testo è una canzone potente e commovente, che parla al cuore del popolo italiano. È una canzone di protesta, ma è anche una canzone di speranza. Daniele ci ricorda che non dobbiamo mai arrenderci, che dobbiamo continuare a lottare per un mondo migliore.

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