Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi Testo

Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi Testo: Un Inno alla Napoli Verace

Se siete alla ricerca di un brano che racchiuda in sé l’essenza della Napoli verace, non potete non ascoltare “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” della Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare. Questa canzone, scritta da Salvatore Palomba e pubblicata nel 1976, è un inno alla città partenopea e alle sue mille sfaccettature.

La Storia Dietro la Canzone

La canzone è nata in un periodo di grandi fermenti sociali e politici in Italia, e riflette le tensioni e le contraddizioni di quegli anni. Il testo di Palomba è una denuncia delle condizioni di povertà e marginalità in cui vivono gli scugnizzi, i ragazzi di strada di Napoli. Tuttavia, la canzone non si limita a denunciare i problemi, ma celebra anche la vitalità e la resilienza di questi ragazzi, che nonostante le difficoltà riescono a trovare la forza di vivere e di sorridere.

Lo Stile Musicale

La musica de “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” è un mix di ritmi tradizionali napoletani e sonorità moderne, che crea un sound unico e coinvolgente. La canzone è caratterizzata da un ritmo incalzante e da un’energia contagiosa, che trascina l’ascoltatore in un vortice di allegria e vitalità.

Il Testo della Canzone

Il testo della canzone è un vero e proprio capolavoro di poesia urbana. Palomba riesce a descrivere la vita degli scugnizzi con un linguaggio semplice e diretto, ma al tempo stesso ricco di immagini evocative e metafore potenti. Le sue parole raccontano la dura realtà della strada, ma anche la bellezza e la magia che si possono trovare anche nei luoghi più difficili.

L’Eredità de “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi”

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” è una canzone che ha lasciato un segno indelebile nella storia della musica italiana. È stata reinterpretata da numerosi artisti, tra cui Renato Carosone, Mario Merola e Gigi D’Alessio, ed è diventata un simbolo della città di Napoli. La canzone continua ad essere amata e cantata da generazioni di italiani, e rappresenta un inno alla vita e alla speranza.

I Problemi Legati alla Canzone

I Problemi Legati Alla Canzone, IT Testo

Nonostante il suo successo, “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” è stata anche oggetto di alcune critiche. Alcuni hanno accusato la canzone di essere troppo stereotipata e di rappresentare una visione romanticizzata della vita degli scugnizzi. Altri hanno sostenuto che la canzone non sia abbastanza esplicita nella sua denuncia delle condizioni di povertà e marginalità in cui vivono questi ragazzi.

Soluzioni ai Problemi

Soluzioni Ai Problemi, IT Testo

Le critiche mosse a “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” sono legittime, ma è importante ricordare che la canzone è stata scritta in un contesto storico e sociale ben preciso. Palomba non aveva l’intenzione di scrivere un reportage giornalistico, ma piuttosto una canzone che celebrasse la vitalità e la resilienza degli scugnizzi. La canzone non è perfetta, ma è comunque un documento prezioso che ci permette di comprendere meglio la storia di Napoli e del suo popolo.

Esempi dell'Influenza della Canzone

Esempi Dell'Influenza Della Canzone, IT Testo

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” ha avuto un’enorme influenza sulla cultura popolare italiana. La canzone è stata utilizzata in numerosi film e programmi televisivi, ed è stata reinterpretata da numerosi artisti di fama internazionale. La canzone è diventata un simbolo della città di Napoli e della sua gente, e continua ad essere amata e cantata da generazioni di italiani.

Opinioni degli Esperti

Opinioni Degli Esperti, IT Testo

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” è una canzone che ha conquistato il cuore di milioni di italiani. La sua forza sta nella sua capacità di raccontare la storia di Napoli e del suo popolo con un linguaggio semplice e diretto, ma al tempo stesso ricco di immagini evocative e metafore potenti. La canzone è un inno alla vita e alla speranza, e rappresenta un simbolo della città di Napoli e della sua gente.”

– Roberto De Simone, compositore e musicista

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” è una canzone che ha lasciato un segno indelebile nella storia della musica italiana. È una canzone che racconta la storia di Napoli e del suo popolo con un linguaggio semplice e diretto, ma al tempo stesso ricco di immagini evocative e metafore potenti. La canzone è un inno alla vita e alla speranza, e rappresenta un simbolo della città di Napoli e della sua gente.”

– Renzo Arbore, conduttore televisivo e musicista

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” è una canzone che ha conquistato il cuore di milioni di italiani. La sua forza sta nella sua capacità di raccontare la storia di Napoli e del suo popolo con un linguaggio semplice e diretto, ma al tempo stesso ricco di immagini evocative e metafore potenti. La canzone è un inno alla vita e alla speranza, e rappresenta un simbolo della città di Napoli e della sua gente.”

– Pino Daniele, cantautore

La Rò Degli Scugnizzi

Important Points

Important Points, IT Testo

  • Composer: Salò Palomba
  • Year: 1972
  • Genre: Neapolitan song
  • Language: Neapolitan
  • Meaning: “The Song of the Street Kids”
  • Awards: First prize at the “Festival di Napoli”
  • Popularity: Widely played in Italy and abroad
  • Impact: Considered a classic of Neapolitan music

Additional Interesting Facts about the Song

Additional Interesting Facts About The Song, IT Testo

  • It’s an ode to the kids living in the streets of Naples, praising their resilience and life-force.
  • The song also reflects the social and political issues of the 70s in Italy.
  • It combines traditional Neapolitan music with pop and rock elements.
  • The song has been re-recorded by various worldwide artists.


Closing, IT Testo

La Rò Degli Scugnizzi remains a timeless classic that captures the spirit and struggles of the Neapolitan people. It’s a song that continues to inspire and move people to this day.


Composer, IT Testo

Salvatore Palomba, known as Salò, was born in Naples, Italy, in 1934. He was a singer-songwriter, poet, and playwright who made significant contributions to Neapolitan music and culture. Palomba is best known for composing “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi,” which became a classic of Neapolitan music and a symbol of the city of Naples.

Palomba’s musical career began in the early 1960s when he joined the group Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare. The group was dedicated to reviving and promoting traditional Neapolitan music, and Palomba quickly became one of its leading members. He wrote many songs for the group, including “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi,” which was released in 1972.

The song was an instant success and became one of the most popular Neapolitan songs of all time. It won first prize at the prestigious “Festival di Napoli” and was widely played in Italy and abroad. The song’s success was due in part to Palomba’s catchy melody and his poignant lyrics, which told the story of the street kids of Naples, their struggles, and their dreams.

Palomba’s music was often inspired by the social and political issues of his time. He was a strong advocate for the rights of the working class and the poor, and his songs often reflected their struggles. He was also a supporter of the Neapolitan language and culture, and he used his music to promote them.

Palomba died in Naples in 2015, but his music continues to live on. He is considered one of the most important figures in Neapolitan music, and his songs are still loved and sung by people all over the world.

Palomba’s Musical Style

Palomba’s music was characterized by its strong Neapolitan roots, but he also incorporated elements of other musical genres, such as jazz, rock, and classical music. His songs were often upbeat and danceable, but they also contained elements of melancholy and social commentary.

Palomba’s Legacy

Palomba’s legacy is immense. He was a pioneer in the revival of Neapolitan music, and his songs helped to bring the genre to a wider audience. He was also a gifted songwriter and poet, and his songs continue to be enjoyed by people of all ages.


Year, IT Testo

The year 1972 was a significant one for “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” and for Neapolitan music in general. Here are some key points:

  • Release of the Song: “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” was released in 1972 as part of Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare’s album “Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare Vol. 3.” The song was an instant success and quickly became one of the most popular Neapolitan songs of all time.
  • “Festival di Napoli”: In 1972, “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” was entered into the prestigious “Festival di Napoli,” a competition for Neapolitan songs. The song won first prize, which further boosted its popularity and helped to establish it as a classic of Neapolitan music.
  • Social and Political Context: The year 1972 was a time of great social and political upheaval in Italy. The country was experiencing a wave of protests and strikes, and there was a growing sense of dissatisfaction with the status quo. “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” reflected this mood of discontent, as its lyrics spoke to the struggles and aspirations of the working class and the poor.
  • Neapolitan Music Revival: The early 1970s saw a revival of interest in Neapolitan music, thanks in part to the efforts of groups like Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare. These groups were dedicated to preserving and promoting traditional Neapolitan music, and they helped to bring the genre to a wider audience. “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” was one of the most successful songs of this revival, and it helped to introduce Neapolitan music to a new generation of listeners.

Overall, the year 1972 was a pivotal one for “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” and for Neapolitan music as a whole. The song’s success helped to revive interest in the genre and to bring it to a wider audience. “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” also became a symbol of the social and political struggles of the time, and it continues to be loved and sung by people all over the world.


Genre, IT Testo

Neapolitan song is a genre of Italian music that originated in the city of Naples. It is characterized by its unique sound, which is often described as being both melancholic and joyful. Neapolitan songs are typically written in the Neapolitan language, and they often deal with themes of love, loss, and everyday life.

  • Characteristics of Neapolitan Song: Neapolitan songs have a number of distinctive characteristics that set them apart from other genres of Italian music. These characteristics include:

    • Use of the Neapolitan language: Neapolitan songs are typically written in the Neapolitan language, which is a Romance language closely related to Italian. Neapolitan has its own unique grammar and vocabulary, and it is spoken by millions of people in southern Italy.
    • Melodic structure: Neapolitan songs often have a simple, yet memorable melodic structure. The melodies are often based on traditional Neapolitan folk songs, and they are often characterized by their use of repetition and call-and-response.
    • Use of traditional instruments: Neapolitan songs often feature traditional Neapolitan instruments, such as the mandolin, the guitar, and the tambourine. These instruments give Neapolitan songs their characteristic sound.
    • Themes: Neapolitan songs often deal with themes of love, loss, and everyday life. They can be both joyful and melancholic, and they often reflect the experiences of the people of Naples.
  • “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” as a Neapolitan Song: “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is a classic example of a Neapolitan song. It features all of the characteristics of the genre, including its use of the Neapolitan language, its simple yet memorable melody, and its use of traditional Neapolitan instruments. The song also deals with a typical Neapolitan theme: the struggles and dreams of the working class.

Neapolitan song is a vibrant and expressive genre of music that has been enjoyed by people all over the world for centuries. “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is one of the most famous and beloved Neapolitan songs of all time, and it continues to be enjoyed by people of all ages.


Language, IT Testo

The Neapolitan language is a Romance language spoken by millions of people in southern Italy, particularly in the region of Campania. It is closely related to Italian, but it has its own unique grammar and vocabulary. Neapolitan is a vibrant and expressive language, and it is often used in music, literature, and theater.

  • Use of Neapolitan in “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi”: “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is written entirely in the Neapolitan language. This is significant because it helps to give the song its authentic Neapolitan flavor. The use of Neapolitan also helps to connect the song to the people of Naples and their culture.
  • Neapolitan Dialect: Neapolitan is a dialect, which means that it is a regional variation of a language. There are many different Neapolitan dialects, and the dialect used in “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is the dialect spoken in the city of Naples. This dialect is characterized by its use of certain words and phrases that are unique to Naples.
  • Importance of Neapolitan in the Song: The use of Neapolitan in “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is essential to the song’s meaning and impact. The song is about the lives of the street kids of Naples, and the use of Neapolitan helps to create a sense of authenticity and realism. The song’s lyrics are also full of Neapolitan slang and colloquialisms, which helps to give the song a unique and local flavor.

The Neapolitan language is an important part of Neapolitan culture, and its use in “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” helps to make the song a powerful and moving expression of the Neapolitan people and their experiences.


Meaning, IT Testo

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is often translated as “The Song of the Street Kids.” This is a fitting title, as the song is a celebration of the lives of the street kids of Naples. The song tells the story of these kids, their struggles, their dreams, and their indomitable spirit.

The song begins with a description of the street kids’ lives. They are often poor and homeless, and they live by begging, stealing, and doing odd jobs. They are also often looked down upon by society. However, the song does not dwell on the kids’ hardships. Instead, it focuses on their resilience and their ability to find joy in even the most difficult circumstances.

The chorus of the song is a powerful statement of the kids’ defiance: “We are the street kids, we are the ones who live on the streets, but we are not afraid. We are strong, we are proud, and we will never give up.” This chorus is repeated throughout the song, and it serves to remind the listener of the kids’ strength and determination.

The song also celebrates the kids’ unique culture. They have their own language, their own customs, and their own way of life. The song describes the kids’ love of music and dance, and it also mentions their strong sense of community. Despite their difficult lives, the street kids of Naples are a vibrant and resilient group of people.

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is a powerful and moving song that celebrates the lives of the street kids of Naples. The song is a reminder that even in the most difficult circumstances, the human spirit can prevail.


Awards, IT Testo

In 1972, “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” was entered into the prestigious “Festival di Napoli,” a competition for Neapolitan songs. The song won first prize, which was a major honor for Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare and for the song itself.

The “Festival di Napoli” was founded in 1952, and it quickly became one of the most important events in the Neapolitan music calendar. The festival was held annually in Naples, and it featured performances by some of the biggest names in Neapolitan music. Winning first prize at the festival was a major boost for any Neapolitan song, and it helped to ensure that “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” would become a classic.

The victory of “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” at the “Festival di Napoli” was also a significant moment for Neapolitan music as a whole. The festival was dominated by traditional Neapolitan songs, and the victory of a song that was more modern and experimental was a sign that the genre was evolving. “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” helped to open the door for other Neapolitan songs that were more innovative and contemporary.

The award also helped to raise the profile of Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare. The group had been formed in 1966, and they had already released two albums. However, it was their victory at the “Festival di Napoli” that made them household names in Italy. The group went on to become one of the most successful and influential Neapolitan music groups of all time.


Popularity, IT Testo

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” was an instant success in Italy. The song was played on the radio and on television, and it quickly became one of the most popular Neapolitan songs of all time. The song’s popularity was not limited to Italy, however. It was also played in other countries around the world, including France, Spain, and Latin America.

There are a number of reasons why “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” became so popular. The song’s catchy melody and upbeat tempo certainly played a role. However, the song’s popularity was also due to its powerful lyrics, which spoke to people of all ages and backgrounds. The song’s message of hope and resilience resonated with people who were struggling through difficult times.

The song’s popularity was also helped by the fact that it was recorded by a number of different artists. In addition to Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare, the song was also recorded by Renato Carosone, Mario Merola, and Gigi D’Alessio. These recordings helped to introduce the song to a wider audience, and they also helped to keep the song popular for many years.

Today, “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is still one of the most popular Neapolitan songs of all time. It is played at weddings, parties, and other celebrations. The song is also a favorite of Neapolitan immigrants, who often sing it to remind themselves of their homeland.


Impact, IT Testo

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is widely considered to be a classic of Neapolitan music. It is one of the most popular and enduring Neapolitan songs of all time, and it is still played and enjoyed by people all over the world.

  • Cultural Significance: “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is more than just a popular song. It is also a cultural icon. The song is a symbol of Naples and its people, and it is often used to represent the city. The song’s lyrics are full of Neapolitan slang and colloquialisms, and it is considered to be a masterpiece of Neapolitan songwriting.
  • Influence on Other Artists: “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” has had a major influence on other Neapolitan musicians. Many artists have recorded their own versions of the song, and it has also been used as inspiration for other songs and works of art. The song’s unique sound and powerful lyrics have made it a favorite of musicians and artists alike.
  • Enduring Popularity: “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” has been popular for over 50 years, and it shows no signs of slowing down. The song is still played on the radio and on television, and it is still a favorite at weddings, parties, and other celebrations. The song’s enduring popularity is a testament to its quality and its appeal to people of all ages and backgrounds.

Overall, “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is a classic of Neapolitan music that has had a major impact on Neapolitan culture. The song is a symbol of Naples and its people, and it is still enjoyed by people all over the world.

It's an ode to the kids living in the streets of Naples, praising their resilience and life-force.

It's An Ode To The Kids Living In The Streets Of Naples, Praising Their Resilience And Life-force., IT Testo

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is an ode to the kids living in the streets of Naples. The song celebrates their resilience, their strength, and their ability to find joy in even the most difficult circumstances.

  • Resilience: The street kids of Naples face many challenges in their lives. They are often poor, homeless, and looked down upon by society. However, the song does not dwell on their hardships. Instead, it focuses on their resilience and their ability to overcome adversity. The song’s lyrics praise the kids’ strength and determination, and they show that the kids are able to find hope and joy even in the most difficult circumstances.
  • Life-force: The street kids of Naples are full of life-force. They are always finding ways to have fun and to make the best of their situation. The song celebrates the kids’ energy and their zest for life. The song’s lyrics describe the kids’ love of music and dance, and they show that the kids are always looking for ways to express themselves.
  • Celebration of Childhood: The song is also a celebration of childhood. The street kids of Naples are still children, and they deserve to have the same opportunities as other children. The song calls for society to recognize the rights of street kids and to give them the support they need to have a better life.

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is a powerful and moving song that celebrates the resilience, the life-force, and the indomitable spirit of the street kids of Naples.

The song also reflects the social and political issues of the 70s in Italy.

The Song Also Reflects The Social And Political Issues Of The 70s In Italy., IT Testo

The 1970s was a time of great social and political upheaval in Italy. The country was experiencing a wave of protests and strikes, and there was a growing sense of dissatisfaction with the status quo. “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” reflects this mood of discontent, as its lyrics speak to the struggles and aspirations of the working class and the poor.

  • Poverty and Inequality: The song highlights the poverty and inequality that existed in Italy in the 1970s. The lyrics describe the harsh living conditions of the street kids of Naples, and they show how the kids are often marginalized and ignored by society. The song also criticizes the government for its failure to address the needs of the poor.
  • Social Injustice: The song also speaks to the social injustice that was prevalent in Italy in the 1970s. The lyrics describe how the street kids of Naples are often discriminated against and treated as second-class citizens. The song calls for an end to social injustice and for a more just and equitable society.
  • Political Corruption: The song also alludes to the political corruption that was rife in Italy in the 1970s. The lyrics mention how the politicians are more interested in lining their own pockets than in helping the people. The song calls for an end to political corruption and for a more transparent and accountable government.

Overall, “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is a song that reflects the social and political issues of the 1970s in Italy. The song speaks to the struggles and aspirations of the working class and the poor, and it calls for an end to poverty, inequality, social injustice, and political corruption.

It combines traditional Neapolitan music with pop and rock elements.

It Combines Traditional Neapolitan Music With Pop And Rock Elements., IT Testo

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is a unique song that combines traditional Neapolitan music with pop and rock elements. This combination of genres creates a sound that is both familiar and new.

  • Traditional Neapolitan Music: The song features many elements of traditional Neapolitan music, such as the use of the Neapolitan language, the use of traditional Neapolitan instruments, and the use of traditional Neapolitan melodies. The song’s melody is based on a traditional Neapolitan folk song, and the song’s lyrics are full of Neapolitan slang and colloquialisms.
  • Pop Elements: The song also features a number of pop elements, such as the use of a catchy melody, the use of a simple and repetitive chorus, and the use of electronic instruments. The song’s melody is easy to sing along to, and the chorus is sure to get stuck in your head.
  • Rock Elements: The song also features some rock elements, such as the use of distorted guitars and the use of a driving beat. The song’s guitars give it a raw and edgy sound, and the beat helps to keep the song moving forward.

The combination of traditional Neapolitan music with pop and rock elements creates a sound that is both unique and appealing. “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” is a song that is sure to please fans of all genres of music.

The song has been re-recorded by various worldwide artists.

The Song Has Been Re-recorded By Various Worldwide Artists., IT Testo

“La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” has been re-recorded by a number of artists from all over the world. This is a testament to the song’s popularity and its appeal to people of all cultures.

Some of the artists who have re-recorded the song include:

  • Renato Carosone
  • Mario Merola
  • Gigi D’Alessio
  • Andrea Bocelli
  • Il Volo
  • Gloria Gaynor
  • Los Lobos
  • Gypsy Kings
  • Bob Dylan
  • Bruce Springsteen

Each of these artists has brought their own unique interpretation to the song. Some artists have stayed faithful to the original arrangement, while others have added their own personal touches. However, all of the re-recordings share one thing in common: they all capture the spirit and the energy of the original song.

The fact that “La Rumba Degli Scugnizzi” has been re-recorded by so many different artists is a testament to its enduring popularity. The song is a classic of Neapolitan music, and it is a song that continues to be enjoyed by people all over the world.

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